Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Post-Grad Bucket List

So, now that I FINALLY have my Bachelor's of Arts degree in English, I actually have *some* time to read and write stuff that's non-academic. I think I'll share some of what I'm excited to get back into this summer and some of what I hope the rest of my life holds. We never know how long we'll be walking these roads, after all, so it's always a good time for real conversation, right?

Piano-playing! I have sorely missed spending hours with my black-and-white friends, the keys. There's a piano key shaped hole in my soul. I'm looking forward to some quality music with my Fisher pals and maybe even a music video. Also, my generous Gramps wants me to take jazz piano lessons from the musician in his swing band. I can love me a little 1940's. :-)

Writing. I don't plan to whip out a novel in the next year, but I do plan to work seriously on writing of all genres when inspiration hits. A memoir is in the works. I believe it's always best if you can write your own memoirs.

Travel! There are many places I'd love to see-- the top three currently being Scotland, Nashville, and New Zealand (which, did you know, form a perfect diagonal line?). These trips are mainly for the purpose of creating story material.

Cooking! It's been a while since I've been in the kitchen. Frozen yogurt is my newest project, although I put too much coconut extract in the last batch (not enough to make you tipsy though). Making a strawberry-covered Bilbo Baggins inspired cake is on the top of my list.

Being a friend. I have empathy for those who fight battles faithfully. Quality, honest conversation and genuine care for those in emotional, spiritual, or physical pain is very important to me.

Enjoying beauty. I love nothing better than a walk on a cool summer's evening somewhere pretty. That's when the best poetry's written.

Celebrating. Life's too short not to celebrate life.

Seeing the Piano Guys live! I got just a tad-bit giddy when they "liked" my Facebook post on their wall this week. I'm seeing them this summer and can't wait to soak in the gorgeous music. 

Curing my body. Don't need to go into much detail, but it's important to take care of your body (which God calls a temple). And you might as well be chic while doing it, by organizing your flax seed and dark chocolate chips in trendy chalkboard-painted jars. 

Community. Super important to me right now. Getting together with people may not look as attractive as in the above pictures, but that shouldn't stop us from making the effort to eat, sing, talk, play games, and do life with the people God's placed in it.

Noticing WONDER. My creative writing professor Alice Mills told us that we can't be good writers (or very fulfilled human beings for that matter) without a sense of awe and wonder at this story we're living in. Reading a couple of books on this topic right now.

Investing in people I love. That means writing hand-made letters, cooking meals, throwing birthday parties, praying for their well-being, telling them they're awesome. It shouldn't be a secret (unless it should?).

Marrying a man with a Scottish brogue. Did I just say that out loud?...

Hearing that John Mayer finally came to know Jesus and stopped dating high-profile celebrities. Maybe then I could sing his lyrics out loud without feeling dirty.

Move to The Shire. Or if that doesn't work out, I can just go to the movies the next two winters and watch the Hobbit installments. 

This should say "peace" too. I don't think there's anything more important than joy and peace (love is comprised of both, I'm pretty sure). Funny how they're not always within our control though. They tend to be gifts-- good gifts our Father loves to give. (Matt 7:11)

Meet Andrew Peterson and attend his Hutchmoot writer's conference in Nashville, TN. Next year? :-)

Babies! Playing with them, not having them that is. Little Maddie & Owen Bartels are the most adorable things with great personalities. Plus, they belong to one of my best friends. I plan to hang around them a lot.

And finally... REST. 
This one is going to take some time, but I'm in dire need of true, healing rest. I look forward to ways that God opens doors for this. I'm going to start by going to bed right now. Thanks for reading. :)


  1. You made me search the internet to see if John Mayer became a Christian. I didn't see right away that it was only wishful thinking.

  2. Yeah, totally wishful thinking. I guess he has Jewish / Christian roots, but he's definitely still lost in this cloudy haze. Great reason to pray for the famous poets of our day!

  3. Kudos for taking the time to look inward and reflect deeply (and sometimes light-heartedly) on where you are and what you hope is ahead. I hope all your dreams come true!
